You Know What I Love About Japan Gravure Idols (I'm in Love)!
You know what I love about Japan Gravure Idols one can really grab you pull you in to like her. No matter if its her beauty or a serious look like Asuka Kishi well today it not only happen to once but twice. And I am left wondering "what the fuck these two women did to me just now!" First it was Tomomi Morisaki and then it appears there is new Japan Gravure Idol on the block her Japanese name is 伊織いお but when Google translate it I got Iori Io when I listen to her name it sounded like Lori Io. Though I really can't trust translators but Iori Io or Lori Io I couldn't resist to pass her up. I just had to grab this one because she reminds me a lot of Asuka Kishi (Iori has serious look in some photos like Asuka Kishi does) and Yuuri Morishita (Iori has short hair in some pictures like Yuuri does). Turns out though both are Leos however what I love about Tomomi Morisaki are these set of photos where she grabbed me and did not let go. She looks so good (I say cla...