A Happy Wonderful Fourth of July (I hope it was awesome for you.)

Time celebrate the greatest country on earth that God has given us.

That would be Conserative and Republicans mindset what they would say. A birthday Celebration to a country that is built on top of racism and discrimination against people with disabilities or women.

But there is no doubt that America is special unique place many people from around world can feel same way about their countries too.

Of course America like other nations from around world got some scars and a terrible past both parties Republicans and Democrats won't acknowledge this and would much prefer to avoid the past but if confronted about it they deflect the blame on other party.

As Americans we're still stuck living in the past though we liked to think we moved on and acknowledge our past we cannot help ourselves to be bunch of hypocrites lecture and ridicule other nations about their racist hatred and human rights abuse.

Take for instance innocent Japanese-Americans locked up in Concentration Camps they were really interment camps but still some people prefer Concentration Camps.

If you ask older Democrats they will perfectly acknowledge that it was right thing to do based on someone race because of something that supposedly Japan did to America on December 7th 1941.

But if you ask these very same Democrats about Gitmo detainees Guantanamo Bay Cuba they are immediately screaming at top of their lungs about Republicans are racist, human rights abuse and that we let them go.

Oh really.

For while there you were perfectly normal about right thing to do by locking up Japanese-Americans in Concentration Camps hypocrite!

Liberals stand on losing argument there.

Let's get get to the Republicans. Now these Christian fanatics will say "oh we're not racist." You mean you're not racist by waging war against your sworn enemy Arabs and silencing their religion Islam is not racist.

C'mon get fucking real here you hate Arabs worth a passion and to want silence their relgion that sounds racist.

The one thing that pisses me off about the Republicans is their view on American nationalism that it pisses me off take for example idiotic response from Trump.

He said that America won both World Wars.

In this case America didn't it was allies who won and America was part of that alliance.

American nationalism viewpoint is that Republicans think that America is superior than everyone else they call it patriotism of course I was indoctrinated into so much of this racist bullshit it actually took a Communist Chinese state media to wake me up. I was laying in pile of feces that I was so in love with.

And now I see American nationalism and patriotism for what it really is, a pile of feces and it stinks, it stinks real bad when you smell it.

Now the Republicans are wanting to pick a fight against China why because according to them they see China as threat. A threat of their religion, a threat to their democracy and a threat to another super power that is rising they know America will be dead by 2024 when China takes over militarily and economically of United States and the Republicans are not happy about it and want to delay the inevitable as much as they can.

Of course you get airheads like Republican Senator Cotton from Arkansas who claims oh we have nothing against Chinese but is itching for a war against China don't buy into his bullshit.

People like him want to fundamentally change China how they want to see her. If you want a example of that take a good look at Iraq and Afghanistan, America tried to change those two countries but couldn't and so we're leaving a mess behind while we're looking forward to cause a another we're a compete total disaster.

Though we shouldn't worry about it because going to war against China will be like... Revisiting Vietnam and its not going to end well for us.

So if the RepublicanTURDS want their war against China let them sign up for Military service and they should take their elected congress members and Presidents with them.

I want to enjoy the satisfaction of them stepping on booby traps such as punji sticks.

So next time you celebrate 4th of July remember that this country was built on top of racism, discrimination and hungry for wars that it cannot win.

We went from whipping black slaves, massacring native-americans, sending Americans with disabilities into mental hospitals or castrating them, rooting for the Nazis for Aktion T4 program, locking up Japanese-Americans, liberating Jews in camps to beating the shit out of Asian people.

America built on racism.

PS you know what is fucking funny about the 4th of July is the fireworks. We shoot off fireworks that is Made in China while RepublicanTURDS celebrate American Nationalism talk about how fuck up they are in the head. πŸ˜„


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